I recently read a text that asked a rather thought provoking question. It started off by stating that when we are young we live as if we are immortal and that there comes a point in life when one realizes that there is a time limit. It went on to ask “…at what point or after what experience does one become aware of this mortality? “
I think that for some people this truth dawns when they witness a tragedy like an earthquake, a Tsunami or a terrorist attack. Witnessing death on a large scale can indeed make one evaluate one’s life taking the ticking clock into account. The death of a close friend/family member can have the same effect. I myself am not immune to such triggers however; I also start thinking along the same lines after making a life altering decision.
Almost everyone who has had the opportunity to get to know me within the past five years is sure to think of me as someone who is undecided about the future. They will tell you that I know not what I want out of my own life. Although this line of thought is flawed, in the absence of my defense it becomes the only plausible assumption. Contrary to popular belief I actually know exactly what I would like my life to be. I know every little detail of this life and thanks to many years of day dreaming it actually seems rather real. This life however is not within the realms of what is possible. I am too much of a realist to pursue what is clearly not meant to be and yet too naïve to give up on it completely.
These dreams were never really within reach for reasons too complicated to be put down in writing. However, I did have to make the decision between either remaining on course hoping that the circumstances may change or veering off course in search of an alternative. I chose the second option. It was a quick and impulsive decision but that was the only way that I was ever going to tear myself away from my obsession. As feeble an attempt at justifying my actions as this may seem I did find solace in the words of Marcus Aurelius. “…But those who do not observe the impulses of their own minds must of necessity be unhappy”.
Each time that I think these things through I am left with the same conclusions. We all try to live the life that we feel will make us happiest. There are those that reach for the stars, fail and yet remain happy in the knowledge that they tried, and those who settle for the consolation price and yet find happiness in that. As for me, I want to be able to look back on my life without any regrets. However, when that time does eventually come to pass I will be robbed of that pleasure because of a certain dream that I gave up on. No matter how good or how happy a life it ends up being I will always wonder what would have happened had I stayed on course? Would the circumstances have changed? Would fate have given me a chance to play the game? In the days, months and years that will make up my life I am sure to revisit that moment and think…..what if?
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